+1.877.318.1585 hello@jetsdigital.com

Frequently asked questions

Browse FAQs

Here are questions we think you might have regarding the services we offer on this site. We have tried to bring some clarity, however if you would like to chat with us please call us on our toll free number +1-888-319-0609 or drop an email to hello@jetsdigital.com


General FAQs

Where is your business located?

We are located in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. We currently cater to Canadian and US local businesses. We take appointment bookings for initial discussions. If you would like to meet our sales representation we can arrange a video call or we can meet physically at a predermined location in Mississauga.

Do I have to sign any contracts?

Yes. Once we agree on a package, we will create a statement of work and a contract that mentions the services to be provided in writing along with the pricing and payment terms. The contract will have regular legal stuff that’s to protect both our interest. We will send you the contract online for your signature. And then voila we can get started.

What languages do you support?

We currently support English, however based on your requirement we can also work with other local languages.


Website Design

What’s the pricing range for web development packages?

Our starting package for building a landing page for your business starts at $199. Pricing is then determined on what your looking for, there’s so much that can be done today in the world of web development. Building a huge website might not be necessary. Reach out to us and we will give our insights free of charge.

Does your web development package include hosting?

We do offer web hosting in our package but there are caveats specifically with usage. Once you sign up with Jetsdigital we can guide you with hosting providers we use for our own platforms, reliable web hosting packages can start at as little as USD $1 per month, no kidding.

Do you have access to stock image repository?

Yes, we have access to multiple paid stock image repositories. We source images and vector graphics and other web graphics from sites we have subscribed to as a company. We use these images on your websites with your approval, if you wish to add your own images you can do so.

What’s the timeline to launch a website?

We build websites on WordPress CMS. We have templates and designs that can speed up development. While we provide expertise, technical infrastructure to build a website, we depend on the customer for content and business requirements. Best case 3 business days for a simple landing page with all content provided by the customer in our website word template.

Will you reserve a domain name for my business?

We can help you with selecting a great domain name, however we want you to own the domain name. It’s like owning a piece of land, a domain name should always be registered to the business and not to a agency building the website.

Will my website be mobile friendly?

Google has altered their search algorithm to give preference to websites that are mobile friendly. It’s not a good to have anymore, having a mobile first website is a must have. Our websites are designed to be mobile first from the start. They are guaranteed to display great on desktops, tablets and mobile devices. .

Will my website be search engine optimized?

Search engine optimization is essential for visibility, we know it’s not a one-time activity. It’s an ongoing task that needs to be carried out periodically. While we will setup your website for search engine optimization based on keywords relevant to your business. The results usually take 2 to 3 months to show up. Depending on your package we will train you how to stay relevant and continuously improve your rankings by adding content and updates on your site.


Chat Bots

What are chatbots? And How can I use them for my business?

A Chatbot is software that’s actually a small piece of code on your website but it actually runs on the cloud. It is like a virtual helper that can engage with your website users in real time. At Jetsdigital we have agency licenses that enable us to deploy chatbots on your website for as little as $100 per year. These bots can book appointments, provide additional information, sell your products, collect email ids and also pay games with your website visitors. Pricing is based on what you would like the both to do and how many user engagements you would like to reserve per month for your bot.

Can I have access to data my bot collects?

Yes, we can provide you with access to your bot. You can also control what you want to do with your bot.

Can I take over from the bot if required?

Human takeover is dependent on the bot flow design, it’s the bot users choice to chat with a human. You can also direct a user to reach out to a human in the later stages of a conversation based on the qualification criteria that you have setup.

How fast can have a bot on my site?

If you want us to build a website for your, we can have a simple contact us bot running in 1 business day. Complex bots can take longer depending on the logic and the number of tasks you want a bot to carry out for you.


Social Media Marketing

What social media platforms are you able to support?

We use software and automation to manage your social media accounts. Although we could technically use any social media platform out there we’re limited to language, software access and platform restrictions. For now we support Facebook, Instagram, Google My Business, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest

Do you need my social media account login credentials for posting content?

Depending on the platform, we need your authorization to make a connection to your account. Once a connection is made we collate posts on our platform. All you would have to do is approve the posts before it’s actually posted on your account.

Do I get to see the social media posts before they are sent out?

Yes, we want you to review the posts before its published, be aware if what being posted. We develop content and load it on a social media calendar. At times things change and some post that were curated yesterday may not be relevant today, like a sudden calamity or the onset of a lockdown due to a pandemic or an event that has shaken up the social environment we’re living in.

Do you offer services that could get my posts legitimate organic likes and comments?

We understand it’s difficult to get engagements on your posts specifically when you’re starting out. We offer services that rope in influencers. These services enable you to get a boost in engagements on your posts. You can have people like, add comments on your posts, thus social proofing your business. We have mentioned details regarding this service in our packages page.

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30 Elm Drive E
Mississauga, ON L5A 4C3

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